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What You Should Know About Video Games and Kids
Ever since the dawn of the modern video game industry (i.e. the 80s), kids have been obsessed with video games. The conversation around video games and their effects on brain development and behaviors tend to be split down the middle. That is, most people either think they’re bad for kids or think they’re no worse than anything else.
The science behind why kids become obsessed with video games says that the primary underlying cause relates to unmet psychological needs. While this explains why kids might become “addicted” to video games, it doesn’t explain what the effects of those games can have on developing brains. Which leads us to wonder, are video games really that bad?
Video Games and How They Can Affect the Brain
While the average American video gamer is in their 30s, nearly 20% are under 18. With millions of people being avid gamers, that leaves quite a few who are children. These gamers still have developing brains, which begs the question as to whether or not these games are having positive (or negative) effects on the brains.
Some might think that video games are harmless, and that they can’t possibly have any effect on the brain. Well, these people couldn’t be any more wrong. There have been numerous studies performed over the years which prove that video games can directly affect brain function as well as specific areas of the brain.
One of the biggest ways that games can affect our brain relates to attention. Surprisingly enough, both short-term and sustained attention can be positively impacted by regular video game playing.
The Negative Side of Gaming
Like most things in life, there can’t be good without bad. This applies to video games as well. The biggest problem that many people (and especially parents) have is regulating video game use.
If one plays video games for too long, the structures of the brain that regulate reward, impulse, and motivation can all be changed. This is where the “addiction” stems from; changes being made in the brain.
Focusing on the Positives
Excessive video game playing leads to addiction (or at least has the potential of becoming an addiction). However, there are also some positive aspects as well, with increased memory and attention being two of the primary benefits.
We’ve already mentioned how long-term attention can be positively impacted by playing video games (due to the player focusing on something for extended periods), but what about memory? There have been a few studies done that produced results showing that certain types of video games actually reversed certain signs of aging in the brain.
These studies have effectively proved that older people aren’t “stuck” with their brains. Rather, much like children, their brains can be improved, enhanced, and “upgraded.” The neural pathways in the brain aren’t set in stone, and utilizing video games for their positive aspects is a unique way for older people to reverse any signs of an aging brain.
Don’t forget about the games that involve physically moving. Games like these can be great for kids who need some extra exercise, but they will never truly replace playing sports in the real world (or doing anything outside).
Addiction and Video Games
Video game addiction is a buzzword among parents and psychologists alike, however, being addicted to a video game isn’t as harmful as being physically dependent on a substance (obviously). With that being said, video game “addictions” can lead to very unhealthy behavior patterns, and can still be difficult to break out of (for both children and adults).
Actual video game addiction is rare, but it does occur. For example, if your child cannot stop playing their games for any reason (e.g. to eat food, shower, go to school/work, etc.), they might be addicted. There are no major problems with playing video games in moderation, but once that line is crossed, you need to be vigilant in order to ensure your child doesn’t become addicted.
Final Thoughts on Video Games for Kids
Video games are used by hundreds of millions of people all around the world. Many video gamers are children and still have developing brains, which makes it important for parents to understand the potential impact their playing might have on their child’s brain development.
While there are certainly some benefits to playing video games, it’s generally recommended to only allow your child a moderate level of gameplay. Video games shouldn’t cut into your child’s actual life. They should be a fun, quick reward (not an ingrained habit).
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