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Top Selling Games on Amazon For Some Adult Fun
Kids should be able to have all the fun. Having a couple’s dinner? Bachlorette party? Or just some friends over. Get everyone off their cell phones and cracking up and blushing at the same time at these insane games!
- Exploding Kittens. Some seriously demented person created this game. It is hilarious! Family Friendly (beleive it or not) and for 2-5 players.
- Exploding Kittens: NSFW Edition Explicit Content. Same game but ADULT version. Not for kids.
- Cards Against Humanity All hope is lost. You’ll die laughing. This is one messed game. Definitely adults only!
Cards Against Humanity: First Expansion
Cards Against Humanity: Second Expansion
Cards Against Humanity: Third Expansion
Cards Against Humanity: Fourth Expansion
Cards Against Humanity: Sixth Expansion
- Crabs Adjust Humidity – Vol One A spin off of Cards Against Humanity and just as funny.
- Never Have I Ever: The Game of Poor Life Decisions Embarrasing ideas. Awkward moments. This is the game of poor life decisions and there’s only one real rule to the game – no judgment.
- The Game of Nasty THINGS Everyone writes it down. No one knows who wrote it! Read one of the gross, dirty, offensive, sexy, outrageous, whacked, HILARIOUS topics outloud!
- Awkward Turtle – The Adult Party Game with a Crude Sense of Humor Humorous and challenging card game that is simple to play.
- DRUNK STONED OR STUPID WARNING: This game is not for everyone. It was created by two brothers in their early 20s who have no problem shamelessly calling out their friends and being called out in return.
- What’s Yours Like? Great for people with dirty minds. Describe simple things in horrible ways. Be clever, be witty, or be outrageous when describing your swimsuit, neighbor, closet, hair, or whatever Guess Word is picked. Check out the sample question/answers in the comments on Amazon.
- Disturbed Friends – This game should be banned. 250 disturbing questions and 100 offensive cartoon.
- Dirty Neighbors – This Game is Not For You Great party game with lots of laughs and inside jokes.
- Adult Loaded Questions Great for a laughter-filled night. Questions include: What is an instant mood killer? / What word sounds dirty…but isn’t? / What TV show would you watch if it included full nudity?
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