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What Should Single Moms Check for When Choosing a Daycare for Their Toddlers?

When it is time to go back to work, a daycare facility may be an option for your toddler. Of course, the thought of handing your child over to someone unfamiliar can be frightening, and it can be a tough decision for some parents. However, daycare centers have evolved in the past few years, with more of them offering exceptional services through the hiring of professional and highly trained caregivers. That being said, it’s best to be selective when choosing a daycare for your child, especially if you are a single mother.
Daycare Facility Considerations
The daycare facility you choose for your toddler will depend on where you live. Ideally, it should be close to your house to make it easy for you to drop off and pick up your child. The daycare can also be near your work location, so you can check up on them when you are on a break. A closer facility also allows you to reach to your child quickly should there be an emergency.
Track Record
When choosing your daycare, it is best to do your research. Ask those who have previous experience with daycares if they have any recommendations in mind. It would also be helpful to talk to your pediatrician to see other options. Sometimes, pediatricians work in daycare facilities to provide simple checkups on children. Ask if they can recommend any facilities in your area. It might also be best to go online and check out highly recommended ones near you. Always check their track record as well. If a particular facility has been involved in an anomaly, it’s best to cross them off of your list.
Customer Service
If there is anything that you want to find out about a daycare center, make sure to call them and get first-hand information. When you call, ask about the hours, the staff qualifications, and what sets them apart from the others. If something is off during the interview, call another place.
The Facility
As soon as you have a list of potential daycare centers, make sure to visit them in person. Pay attention to everything from their equipment, furniture, and even the number of children in their care. Also, do not forget to check out the cleanliness of the entire facility. It is best to make your visit unexpected, so you can see the facility as it is.
Should the daycare not allow you to visit their center unannounced, it is best to cross it off your list of choices, as this implies that they may be hiding things from you. You want to be able to work with a daycare center that is transparent with their operations.
You know how hard it can be to take care of your child when you get sick. Oftentimes, we distance ourselves so we don’t infect our children. The same thing is applicable to the caregivers of your child. You have to ensure that they’ve passed necessary health checks so your child is not exposed to sick caregivers.
Check if the caregivers are experienced in dealing with children. Sometimes, caregivers need to be well-versed in teaching proper coping skills for kids. This is particularly applicable for children who may be new to daycare facilities and interacting with lots of people.
It is also essential for parents to learn the policies of the daycare center. Ask about their protocols that relate to the health and safety of your child. It would also be crucial to ask about sick children under their care. Would they accept a child who has the flu? What precautions do they have when it comes to contamination?
Before you leave your child in the hands of others, it would be best to see if they can provide the best care possible. Go for the daycare facility that gives you the most peace of mind. You wouldn’t want to leave your child with a facility with disregard for the health and wellness of the children under their care.
My daughter is turning four this month, that is why I’m thinking of finding the right toddler daycare to enroll her in. It’s good that you listed some considerations to look for when finding a center. Perhaps, I shall then follow your advice to go online and check out the ones near my apartment or workplace then verify their track record as well.
I like that you said I should consider the equipment, furniture, and caregiver-to-child ratio when looking for a daycare center. My mom is overwhelmed with work right now, so she’s looking for a child care center for our youngest sister. I’ll share this advice with her when she gets home from work tonight. Thanks.