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The Power of Will: 7 Mental Tricks to Stop Food Cravings
We’ve all been there. We’ve had a bad day, or we’re lazy, and suddenly you have the craving to indulge in some bad foods. You fancy a takeaway pizza or Chinese. You want to eat the whole tub of ice cream in the bottom of the freezer. You want to gorge on chocolate. We all go through these cravings, and while eating these nice foods every once in a while is fine, cravings suggest that something else is at play.
When the cravings hit, it can be hard to overcome them in any other way other than giving in to them, but you’re not powerless. You are strong. Today, we’re going to share seven key ways you can stop the cravings and stay in control.
- Drink Water
A simple tried and tested approach to fixing a craving, just drink water. This is a mental trick because it allows your brain to think that you’ve eaten something while giving yourself a ‘full’ feeling. Water also helps to stimulate your metabolism, and gives you an energy boost, just like if you’ve eaten. This might not work all the time, but it’s always a great place to start.
- Move Away from the Scene
If you’re surrounded by food and other people eating, then chances are you’re going to cave. If you’re trying to quit smoking, you wouldn’t go and stand in the smoking area because you’re only going to end up giving in. Instead, remove yourself from the situation and go someplace else until the craving goes away.
- Use HALT
HALT is something AA members use to figure out why they have a craving. The term stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. If you’re feeling one of these feelings, the chances are your craving. By addressing these things, you can figure out why you are craving and ultimately stop it from bothering you anymore.
- Create and Repeat a Mantra
Developing a mantra is a significant way to tackle cravings. It’s a simple statement you can repeat in your head or aloud to remind yourself what you’re doing. Your mantra can be whatever resonates with you, maybe something like’ I am strong’ or ‘I am in control’. Always make sure your mantras are positive and encouraging, not negative.
If you get life coaching and find someone with a fully accredited NLP training course, they’ll be able to help create a mantra that works for you, as well as helping you overcome the cravings altogether.
- Distract Yourself
Always proceed with this point carefully. If distracting yourself from a food craving with another unhealthy habit is your only option, then try something else. However, if you want to watch a movie, go for a walk, talk to a friend, or reading a book can help take your mind off your craving until it passes, then give it a go.
- Time Your Craving
If you want to see how strong you can be, then time your craving and mindfully watch it pass. Science suggests that cravings of any kind tend to only last between five and 20 minutes, so get out your stopwatch and watch this time pass. Over time, you’ll be able to see how long your cravings last and then you know how long you’ll be able to wait them out. You can do it!
- Brush Your Teeth
Just like the drinking water technique, brushing your teeth, ideally with a sweet toothpaste, is a great way to trick your brain into thinking you’ve actually eaten something when you haven’t. This is another healthy habit to use because it means you’ll have better dental hygiene!
There are plenty of approaches and tricks you can try when it comes to managing your food cravings, and it’s all about figuring out what works for you. Take your time, be patient with yourself, and remember, you are in control. You’ve got this.
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