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Single Out Stress
Being a single parent is not for the weak hearted, it takes double the love, double the dedication and double the stress. If you have recently become a single parent, life may feel like it is at a
standstill, you may feel the pressures of the world on your shoulders but fear not, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Being a single parent is not always a curse, sometimes it’s a blessing in disguise but we just get so caught up in the hype of thinking that we are not strong enough to take on the challenge alone and this is what makes the stress build up. The good news is that
there are so many ways you can take back your life and ease the stress that everyday life seems to throw at you, you just need to know where to start.
Natural Relief
If at some point, you feel that you are not coping the best way you should, there are various natural alternatives you can take to ease your nerves and calm your mind. Nowadays there are supplements that have been formulated to meet your every need and it’s no different for anxiety. Look for ingredients such as passion flower, valerian root, melatonin and lemon balm. This
blend of synergistic ingredients will reset your sleep/awake cycle and encourage sleep which is especially beneficial for those who suffer from insomnia brought on by anxiety. For more advice
on holistic approaches to beating stress and depression, visit Mommy Authority.
Cut Out The Drama
don’t bad mouth your partner in front of your children, you cannot take back words and let’s face it, your children are made up of the same genes as your former partner. By putting your partner
down, you may affect your child’s self esteem, you are teaching them that there are some parts of their identity that you dislike.
Ask For Help When You Need It
You should never feel ashamed to ask for help when it comes to needing an extra set of hands. Your friends and family understand what you are going through and would be more than happy to help out when you need. Asking for help will not only benefit you but it will also benefit your children. Children can sense when something is amiss and burning yourself out trying to do everything yourself will affect your health and mood, the more tired you are, the more your children can sense that you are not in the best of moods, which will make them withdraw from your path as to try not step on your toes. Ask for help when you need so you can regroup and become a happier more positive person when you are around your children.
Enjoy The Moment
It’s important to understand that a relationship does not define you. You were always you long before your partner was around and that should not change just because they are not there
anymore. You were always capable of doing things, you were always the one in control of your life long before any relationship started. At times it’s easy to get caught up in all the feelings and
memories but you need to learn to draw the focus away from the scenario. Spending time with your child is a blessing and they will only be that age once, try start living in the moment instead
of thinking about the past or what is to come. Enjoy the time you have with your children, put your heart and soul into that moment. Remember you are capable of anything and that no
situation on earth should ever distract you from reaching your goals or making a happy home life for your children.
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