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4 Signs Your Bathroom Needs to Be Remodeled
Year after year, kitchens and bathrooms compete for the attention of homeowners who are thinking about remodeling. Kitchen renovation plans sometimes win out, but there are many situations where a bathroom will deserve priority.
There are a handful of common signals that a Bath Remodel could be the best way to make your home a better place to live. Become familiar with the following four signs and you’ll be ready to respond when your bathroom needs renovation.
- Your Bathroom Feels Too Small
Jostling for space in a master bathroom is never a fun way to start a day and frequently leads to conflict. Even bathrooms that serve single people often feel cramped, confining, and restrictive.
If one or more bathrooms in your home has come to seem too small, a renovation is probably in order. It will rarely be necessary to knock down walls to make a bathroom feel more spacious.
Simply adding more storage in the course of renovation, for example, can open up lots of useful space in a bathroom. In many cases, rethinking a bathroom’s layout will allow a home’s residents to make better use of the space within its existing walls. Additions like double-sink vanities can also make a bathroom’s dimensions and appointments less likely to cause problems.
- Your Bathroom Looks Outdated
Just like with other types of interior design, a bathroom will only look and feel fresh for so long. Tastes and design approaches are constantly evolving, with those that are most popular today often looking very little like the leaders of the recent past.
When your bathroom starts to look dowdy and old-fashioned, it could well be time for a makeover. Should everything else be satisfactory, you can even keep costs down by prioritizing design-related work and leaving other arrangements alone.
It might sometimes feel a bit indulgent to overhaul a bathroom just to give it a new look. Think about how the appearance of your bathroom affects your mood over time. When your bathroom’s design begins to grate on you, updating it could easily pay off.
- Your Bathroom Needs Noncritical Repairs
It will always be best to make sure that serious bathroom problems like leaks and broken tiles get fixed right away. It is quite common for a bathroom to accumulate less-significant damage and issues over time.
Mineral stains that have become permanent, scratched finishes, and other relatively superficial blemishes can add up. When your bathroom’s character becomes dominated by these accumulating imperfections, remodeling can end up being the best solution.
Even a modest renovation project might resolve a whole collection of such problems at once. That can make a lot more sense than trying to address them piecemeal or simply continuing to live with them.
- Your Bathroom’s Lighting is Bad
Being able to see clearly makes using a bathroom easier in every case. Many bathrooms feature lighting that could use some work.
When simply replacing bulbs is not enough, it can be wise to opt for renovation. Remolding a bathroom will allow you to fundamentally rethink its lighting arrangements and make sure related problems will not arise in the future.
A Properly Remodeled Bathroom Can Make Your Entire Home Feel Fresh
Homeowners often underestimate what a positive impact a carefully considered bathroom remodeling project can have on living in a home. When issues like those above arise, it will always be productive to ask whether renovating the affected bathroom might be the best response.
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