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San Diego Zoo’s 100 Year Celebration
“You belong in the Zoo.. The San Diegooooo Zoo.” Anyone read that with the jingle in their head? I remember this song since I was a kid. Not even sure which zoo it was for by the San Diego Zoo comes to mind when I sing it. The zoo is an awesome place to bring the whole family to see animals from other continents, endangered species breed in captivity, and to learn about ways to foster lifelong relationships with the zoo by partnering with them to help protect wildlife and end extinction.
San Diego Zoo Nighttime Zoo: Centennial Summer
The San Diego Zoo has so many summer events including their #PartofthePride contest to win an epic zoo adventure, special exhibits at local museums and special Nighttime Zoo Activities! Nighttime Zoo will include special presentations and a fun procession to add centennial dazzle, plus a special centennial-themed show from zany Dr. Zoolittle and lively musical entertainment
It is hard to imagine what the zoo looked liked in 1916! I’m sure it was a lot smaller and technology and animal knowledge has come a long way. San Diego Zoo takes price in their End Extinction program.
The Zoo have LiveCams of gorillas, condors, pandas, and more!
Just for fun- What’s your spirit animal? Visit the SD Zoo homepage and click on the animals’ pages.
Photo Credit: Cheyenne Lewis.
Photo Credit: Cheyenne Lewis.
Fun Facts About San Diego Zoo:
- It started with an abandon zoo and the founder of San Diego Zoo hearing a left behind lion!
- More animals were left behind, in a row of cages along what is now Park Boulevard, with wolves, coyotes, bears, monkeys, lions, and a few other small species, plus groups of bison, elk, and deer in Balboa Park. At that time the city was reluctantly taking care of the animals.
- The San Diego Zoo opened in 1922 and charged 10 cents admission.
- Dr Harry helped create the first organized way for zoos to talk and share. He was the first president of the National Association of Zoo Executives.
- In 1927, the Zoo built its first hospital, the only one of its kind in the U.S. at the time.
- Zoo Veterinary; a new veterinary discipline for exotic animals, started when the zoo hired Dr. Charles Schroeder in 1932.
- Since 2007 the San Diego Zoo has had a vision to end extinction.
- In 2009 the Zoo got a Zipline! You can now view the zoo from overhead while zooming on the Flightline.
If you live in San Diego or just visiting from out of town the San Diego Zoo is the place to be! Buy tickets to the San Diego Zoo Centennial celebration to enjoy with your family.
Photo Credit: Cheyenne Lewis.
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