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Rainy Day Fun
How to Keep Kids Busy on a Rainy Day
Rainy days can be rough on parents and kids — even a big house can seem cramped when you are all cooped up together, and kids are bored and fidgety. If everyone is tired of the usual activities — reading, watching movies, playing video games — and are looking for something else to do, here are some ideas to try.
Have an Indoor Picnic
Anything that represents a break from routine can be fun for kids. Instead of usual lunch, spread a plastic tablecover out on the floor and put out the food there. Include a treat or two that is something you don’t usually have for lunch, like a popsicle or a piece of candy. Get creative and pretend that you are all outside — ask them what they see around you, if you are at a beach or a park, and what you will all do next. If kids get tired enough for nap time, spread out some beach towels and continue to pretend to be outside in the sunshine!
Make Beanbags
This is a two-part project. First, get the kids to join you in making bean bags. Send them off to their room to hunt down two or three pairs of socks, while you gather up sandwich or snack bags, twist ties or plastic zip ties, and some dried beans (navy beans work great!). Put about 1/2 cup of beans in each bag, squish all the air out, and use the twist tie or zip tie to hold it shut. Then put it into the sock and either knot the sock tightly, or use another twist tie to close it around the beans.
Next, make up some games to play. You can all have a game of catch where you start out standing close together in a circle and gently toss the bean bag to each other. After each catch, step backwards until the circle opens wider. When one person misses, form the tight circle and start again. Another game could be to use some paper to make some targets and put them on the floor. Toss the beanbags and try to land them on the targets.
Get in the Kitchen
Even the simplest cooking project is new and fun for little kids. Good Housekeeping suggests making simple recipe for a favorite dessert, mixing up instant gelatin or pudding, or getting out some refrigerated cookie dough.
Play a Card or Board Game
Teach a classic game from your own youth, like Monopoly, checkers, or Chutes and Ladders. Or break out a new game like Poop: the Game, a card game from Breaking Games that will definitely cause giggle outbreaks with the kids.
Find Activity Pages Online
The Internet is full of excellent educational sites that have activity sheets, puzzles, and coloring pages to print out. One great site is EEK! (Environmental Activities for Kids) which was created by the Wisconsin state government. This site has craft activities, quizzes, and coloring pages that can keep kids busy for hours.
Rainy days can be a drag, especially if you had plans for outdoor fun. But take the time as an opportunity instead, to play together as a family and create lasting memories with your children!
Thomas Black has 3 kids ranging in age from 3 to 8. A house husband, he enjoys writing and when the little one is napping can often be found tapping away at the keyboard, working on his novel or coming up with ideas for articles.
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