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9 Tips & Advice For Planning For A Divorce
There are two different approaches to getting a divorce. One is through an annulment, If you are fortunate enough that you and your ex can part ways and still be friends, this could be an option, and in many cases its more economical and faster than a divorce. If you can both agree to split all possessions, you can go online, fill out some paperwork, and then pay filing and court costs. Fees and procedures may vary from state to state, so I would suggest you do a little research on this. If all else fails and no agreements can be made, lawyers can be hired. Remember, most lawyers require a retainer, and that amount may vary from attorney to attorney
To help the divorce proceedings advance smoothly (if that is possible) and to plan for your future single life, here are a few things to consider and tips to help things go a little smoother.
- Gather all outstanding bills and try to pay them off, this will start each of you out with a financial clean slate.
- Schedule meetings with your attorney, (unless you both agree on an annulment) to keep in formed and update he or she of any changes in income or address.
- Make sure you agree on a time, date and place to have income tax reviewed and filed (this is very important if you either must pay or get a refund).
- Make sure checking and saving accounts are separated and funds are split. (you say one spouse didn’t work and shouldn’t get any money? If that’s the case the judge may make the final ruling on this matter).
- Make sure that your vehicle is registered in your name.
- I am not a fan of credit cards, but I would suggest that while you are still married and have two incomes coming in, and of course you have a decent credit rating, you obtain a credit card preferably one with no yearly fees. Set a credit limit amount that you can easily pay off when you get the bill, and you can also save it for emergencies. Also, many cards will give you points that you can cash in for trips, cash awards, or gift cards, that you can use as Christmas gifts if you are in a pinch around the holidays, or you can use the points to treat yourself. (Remember: take time to treat yourself!) While we on this subject, although credit cards can be handy, and they do have their perks, they don’t really help your credit that much.
- Map out a schedule for visitations with the kids and hang a calendar where they can see the days when are with each parent.
- One important tip that I strongly suggest, is to not get on social media and post negative things about your soon to be ex. Airing out your dirty laundry on social media can cause you to possibly deal with more drama that just going through the divorce.
- If possible put enough money back to cover at least 2 months worth of bills.
Preparing for a divorce can be a daunting task. Everyone will have advice about what you should do. One thing to keep in mind is that each divorce is different, and even though uncle Joe, aunt Ida, and even your friends may have some good advice, divorce is very individualized.
Check out other single parenting tips here.
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