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Hi there and welcome to my blog. This is an introduction about me and my blog.
I am a single, work-at-home, mom to two wonderful children. My son, Little D is 7 years old at this time and my daughter, Baby K is almost 5 1/2 years old.
I work at night, on the computer, and homeschool in the day. For work I buy things at garage sales, estate sales, thrift stores or get things donated to me from a few people (thank yous to them) and I sell the majority of it on eBay. Some of the stuff I sell on Craig’s list, PennysaverUSA (their on-line ads) or to other local chat groups that sometimes have ‘market place’ weekends.
I have had this idea for this blog for a long time now. I’d like to write about us. My children and our adventures in homeschooling and life. I’d like to post frugal living tips. Great ideas for boredom, fun new websites I have found, book reviews on new children or adult books, tips on eBay and internet selling. My ‘finds of the week’ or ‘sale of the week’.
I know I am not the only homeschooling mom around that is single and trying to get by. Let me tell you, it is hard. I am living month-to-month right now and trying to get ahead. I have a credit card with almost $9,000 on it and my mortgage payment takes a huge part of my income to pay each month. But, I am thankful to God for it all. I KNOW we are lucky to have this opportunity to be together and I am always trying to find new ways. Positive comments, reflections, questions and input are always welcome.
I am glad you have joined us!
Welcome to the blogging world!
I think I will enjoy reading what you have to share. I have done the single parent route and know the challenges… kudos to you for throwing homeschooling into the mix!
I am also a single parent, also planning to homeschool starting with pre-K/K next fall, also trying to find a way to work from home. I can’t wait to keep reading about how you make it all work.
Update your blog!