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You Only Live Once: How to Take a Luxury Vacation Without Breaking
Your Budget
Indulgence is subjective. For some, a luxurious holiday involves staying at a presidential suite in an
upscale hotel, while for others, it entails going to a popular five-star European beach resort. Regardless
of how you define a luxurious trip, you need it once in a while for sound mental health. Plus, you can
always enjoy it without breaking the bank. It’s all in the planning, as well as knowledge of budget-
friendly hacks. Here’s how you can “splurge” on a luxury holiday without really splurging.
To truly cut your travel expenses in half without skimping on the frills that make up a purely indulgent
vacation, consider planning an off-season trip to a place where the exchange rate works in your favor.
These European countries offer a relatively inexpensive yet lavish getaway–Slovenia, Greece, Portugal,
Lithuania, and Latvia.
If you choose Slovenia as a destination, you might want to get hold of a Ljubljana Card to get free
admissions to top attractions. In Greece, there are free walking tours in Athens and details about
museum exhibits at Clio Muse, a free tour guide app. Meanwhile, Portugal is a food lover’s paradise.
There, you can enjoy a three-course dinner for roughly $25. Portugal’s famous dry white wine called
Cortes de Cima’s 2013 can be had for less than $5 a bottle.
A city tourist card is a worthwhile investment. It saves you a lot of money when visiting one attraction
after another. A city tourist card is offered in many major cities around the world. PassComparison.com
gives you an idea on the relative prices of city passes available in many cities.
Websites such as Tremblant offer a variety of options for site-specific lodging opportunities. You might
want to examine what such websites have to offer, paying attention to possible accommodation deals.
Remember that the internet is your friend when it comes to researching carrier prices, so take time to
compare round-trip ticket prices. Another effective way to cut costs on plane tickets is to visit the
airline’s website and then try out different combinations of departure and return dates. Rates vary
according to the time of the year. Some airlines also auction business class seats. You might get lucky
and get an upgrade to the first class section for only a couple hundred bucks on top of your coach seat.
Look into travel-related offerings from your credit card company. Your credit cards may give you a few
perks like access to an airport lounge, a boost on your frequent flyer miles, and free rides on Uber.
If your idea of a luxurious vacation is to dine in Michelin-starred restaurants at your favorite destination,
then visit during brunch or lunch. The entrees are relatively cheaper during those times. Don’t forget to
check out websites like Restaurants.com and Groupon Reserve for discounted gift cards to fancy
Plan ahead of your holiday spree. That means thoroughly researching your intended destination. You’d
be surprised to discover how much money you can save while not giving up the bells and whistles of a
luxury vacation.
Carmen Johnson is frequently asked to make travel plans in her work as a PA and likes to pass on what
she knows to an online audience. She is often sharing her insights with a number of leisure and travel
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