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We have all been put in a situation in recent times which was unexpected and certainly unwelcomed. The global pandemic changed our lives in so many ways than we can count. It got the medical, legal, educational and countless other systems of the society on its knees. Every sector had to improvise their way of working and accept changes for the greater good.
One of the worst hit sectors of the economy were the educational institutions i.e. schools and colleges. Hoards and hoards of communication were sent back and forth between parents and caregivers to decide on the best way to move forward with teaching students. In majority of the surveys parents were hesitant to send their kids back to school and distance learning slowly but surely became a part and parcel of everyone’s life.
Many parents raised concern about their kids not being active enough than regular school days pre pandemic. P.E. is an important subject in school and shapes the life of the student in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It also instills discipline and encourages balanced development. Usually kids tend to get a lot more active during school hours because of subjects like P.E. and sports.
Not only does it help in shaping the physical attributes of the students but also moulds their personality. We can all agree that playing sports also helps in understanding the value of team work and synergy.
Here is a list of some of the activities I have shortlisted which are tried and tested and worked for my family during the distance learning:
· Going to nearby tracks
Almost all the middle and high schools have a track available to practice running. I got this idea from my neighbor who used to go to the closest elementary school to walk her dog near the tracks. The grounds were open since everyone was home, learning in person. It made me realize that we can pick a time when it’s least busy and practice running.
· Hiking
Hiking is one of the most fulfilling outdoors activity out of all the activities. The walk is interesting and the kids have fun spotting different kinds of flora and fauna. Also the view after hiking is definitely one of the many reasons why hiking is a must. What’s more it gets you the exercise you need and the kids can burn out the extra energy they have. Ensure to pack enough light snacks and keep yourself hydrated throughout the hike.
· Pick a sport
Pick any sport that you and your kid enjoy, there are less options now since we have to follow social distancing and the list keeps getting narrower the more you think about it. Although there is less chances of transmission from tennis, cycling and swimming.
The parks are usually open and tennis is a sport which requires only 2 -4 people which works out great for small families. Badminton is another replacement for this sport if you are not a big fan of tennis. Try to inculcate a routine of playing sports once or twice in a week.
Cycling is another option to consider and it’s probably one of the safest option amongst all.
CDC has not found any evidence of transmission of the virus from pool water. But it’s a given that swimming pool specially in summertime can be a hub for the spread of virus. Lakes and rivers can be a good alternative if you want to soak in the sun and practice some backstrokes.
· Dance Routine
If all else fails and going outdoors is not an option (e.g. weather issues etc) consider switching on the tv and looking for videos online for workouts and dance routines. Kids absolutely love jumping around the house might as well use that energy somewhere, am I right? You can have a dedicated space just for workouts and dance session with your loved ones. Stick to a time during the day which works out for everyone and dance your heart out.
Try Something New!
Fishing, go for a walk by your local wash and look for birds, surfing, snowboarding/skiing, even snowball fights and sledding burn lots of calories! Find out what fits with where you live and your weather.

These were some of my tips to help you get active amid these tumultuous times. There are some days when even lifting finger is hard work and feels almost unattainable, I completely empathize with you and believe me when I say this, ‘We’ve all been there’!
Let’s hope that the future is bright and we get to be around people like old times without worrying too much. Until then try to stay active, eat healthy and get good sleep.
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