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How To Adopt Or Rehome A German Sheppard
Love comes in all shapes and sizes. It can be your family and children and can also be your pets, that are a part of your family. For us it is myself and my children plus our handful of pets (and we are always taking more in). Right now we have four cats (all rescue) and a GSP (German Shorthair Pointer) dog, named Yoshi, that is an absolute spaz, even at almost 2-years-old. My sister bought him but he, in a way, was a rescue. He was breed by a hunter that had no training in puppies. Yoshi was kept outside, with the litter, in a small fenced in area. Even after they were weaned. They were brought out only once a week for 30-60 minutes for hunting training. When my sister got him he was about 3 months old. Anyone not as strong has her would have given up and rehomed him. But she tried hard with him, even sent him to a ‘dog whisperer’ for 6 weeks. Since Yoshi was kept outside in a small cage he didn’t understand things like furniture, windows and mirrors, going around things like a table. He had no skills with people, especially children. Wasn’t potty trained at all and didn’t understand the difference between ‘indoor and outdoors.’ He literally would try go walk through a sliding glass door. Crazy but he is a very intelligent dog too! Just had no family training. Maybe he would have been great for a hunting dog. But needed a lot of work for a family dog. The only thing he had going for him was that he is super sweet.
Don’t Judge When Someone Needs To Rehome Their Pet
Not all people would tolerate having such a handful. Reasons like this, and others are why people might choose to rehome a dog. Other reasons, like illnesses or deaths of owners, owners losing a house and needing to move into an apartment or rent a room, owners working outside the home too many hours, leaving a dog home alone all day.
Finding a good place to rehome a dog, especially a large breed, like a German Sheppard, is not always easy. That is why there is a fabulous company in Los Angeles called Get Your Pet. They work with others to help rehome dogs. If you are looking for a German Sheppard to adopt you can go there too.
For different reasons some people come to Los Angles to live and work. I love that there are also fantastic rescue places for dogs, like German Sheppards, that help find proper homes for them so they will be a part of a new family and well loved.
I hope all dogs in need of rehoming or rescuing can find a loving home to call their forever home.
3. Disclaimer: This partnership is between Nakturnal, and Mom Are We There Yet. All opinions is honest and true. Mom Are We There Yet was paid for this post.
People who adopt animals that need to be rehomed are my personal heroes. I also have a soft spot for German Sheppards. They’re beautiful dogs!