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Fun Ways To Entertain Kids During Holiday Travel
Traveling with kids is never fun. They get bored. You are stressed from being in traffic. You all might be on the road or in a plane for a few hours or more and need to prepare for delays. Here are a few tricks and tips to help maintain sanity and make the holiday start off in a positive way.
- If you have young kids plan travel around nap time or bed time. That way they’ll be asleep during some of the trip. I even did this once when my son was 14-months-old and we went to Trinidad and Tobago. It was harder to get him to sleep but he slept almost the whole flight and I didn’t have to fight him on wanting to get up and walk around.
- Wrap presents from the dollar store in wrapping paper or Sunday comics and let the kids have one for each 45 miles you drive (or set your own mileage or time). Warning- do not wrap in aluminum foil. It makes too much crinkly noise while driving and will drive you up the wall.
- If during the day play games like ‘I Spy’, the ‘Alphabet Game’ or the game where you spot license plates. There is even an app on smart phones to check off the plates you have seen!
- Invest in something like Car Bingo
. Kids can buddy up to help younger ones play. There is an airplane addition too.
- Spot It! on the Road
is another good car game. The whole family can play this fun, fast paced game from BlueOrange.
- It is always great to invest in some good books. Getting them from the local library is free and can provide hours of quiet time. My kids have small book lights they use in the car when it is dark. LED Book Light
- Thousands of audio books are available for free or cheap on Kindle Edition. If not free a lot are only 99 cents. Anything from chidren’s books to teens. Even a lot of classical books.This is great if it dark outside or kids get carsick reading. In car trips we listened to all of the Series of Unfortunate Events, The Little House on the Prairie series, Harry Potter, Story of the World and more!
8. If you can get kids a lap tray (or have one if on an airplane) then check out Brick Builders Club. These are super awesome Lego kids that come with sets and some extra. It is a monthly subscription box. My kit came with a poster, t-shirt, two small Lego sets, a Lego drinking cup and some Lego playing cards.
Music! You can’t forget music. The Music Box has a monthly subscription to get cds from brand new hot artists on the market plus cards for free song downloads.
If your car has a TV you can always pop in a movie for some of the ride. Especially if kids are fighting and you want some quiet time to concentrate on the road. My kids are so excited about Minions that just came out with 3 new Mini-Movies on Blue-Ray with 3D feature available!
Kauzbats offer cuddle time, nap time or when kids want something to snuggle with in new bed, like a hotel or guest’s house. There is always time for a ‘lovie’ and these ones are so adorable. This one is called Khloe and I brought it to my mom when she was in the hospital.
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