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Emotional Detachment: 6 Tips to Help you Get Through the Downsizing Process
It is natural to collect things as we go through life. And, it is natural to have a hard time getting rid of all our mementos and past purchases. But, as we age or when our life-circumstances change, it will become important to downsize. We may be moving to a smaller home, an apartment, or an assisted living facility. We may need to move across town or to another state because of a job change, or we may want to unclutter for easier living and to reduce the volume our children will need to deal with when we die.
What To Do When We Retire?
How should your life change when you retire? What about living in a home meant to house a family with children when you are empty-nesters? Retirement means different things to different people. Some want to travel and have experiences they missed while working demanding jobs. Other people retire for health or mobility reasons and must simplify their lives. That large house and yard may seem like too much work for the benefits.
Moving to a smaller home may be a good solution. The form that smaller home takes will depend on the person or coupe’s circumstances as they age. But, moving to a smaller place will require hard decisions on what to keep and what must go to fit into a smaller place. Don’t even think about renting a large storage unit to house the extra belongings. Deal with it now.
Healthy seniors may want to move to a senior community with the option of added services as they age to avoid more moves in the future. These communities have a variety of home types that let seniors have their own private space and independence. As they age and their need for assistance increases, they can pay for those services to come to their home. They may even be able to move from one unit to another as the need arises. Talking to a counselor from mcknightplace.com can be very helpful.
Having a nice, smaller home in a protected neighborhood might be ideal for seniors who will be traveling a lot and just need a home base between trips. Retirees who want less housework and less clutter might take this opportunity to downsize and live a simpler life with less dusting and less clutter. With the retirement age getting older and older for many people, retirement may come because of health concerns and a real need to live somewhere with a few helpful services to make life more enjoyable.
6 Tips To Help Get Through Downsizing
Downsizing can be very emotionally draining. It can seem like we are losing too much of our lives. But it does not have to be that way. Downsizing can be liberating with a few tips to follow:
- Take photographs of items you no longer use but treasure because of the sentimental value. Take this one step further and take a photo of the item with the person you gave it to. You can make a photo album with the item photos and the memories attached to them. This can also be done digitally.
- Don’t just take a deep breath and dump everything. It meant something or it would not still be in the house. Some things have commercial value and others have value to your children or grandchildren. Communicate with your family and let them know what items you wish to find new homes for. They might even come to get things they want so you don’t have to haul them away. Do a little research into the value of your belongings. They might sell on e-bay or another internet marketing site. Younger family members might enjoy helping with this.
Consider having a yard sale or a moving sale to get rid of things the family members do not want. It is amazing what people collect and will pay good money for. Now contact a charity or non-profit that comes to pick up donations. They may take everything except for the rubbish and make your downsizing go faster and be less painful. You can get them to give you a receipt to use for tax purposes. Now contact your refuse hauler and have them pick up all the remaining items and rubbish. It may cost a little extra that month, but then you are done.
- Do not give in to the temptation to rent a storage unit to hold items you will deal with later. It is a waste of money and just puts off the task to deal with later. Do it now and save the storage unit money. Look at the new space and measure so you know what pieces of furniture will fit. Go through all the old paperwork and throw most of it away. Tax returns only need to be saved for seven years, and that goes for all the bank statements and other information to back up those returns.
- Don’t go it alone. Ask friends or beloved family members to help with the task. They will provide emotional support and shoulders to cry on. You can repay them by letting them choose the items they want and will appreciate. Then celebrate with a meal out or one delivered.
- Before making any final decisions, inventory all your belongings on a list. On the right side of the list have categories to check such as keep, give away, sell, dispose of. Then look at every item and check the correct place. Keep the items that are the most useful and mean the most to you. Keep the art and other items that make your house a home. Keep a selection of your favorite books for later reading. Keep the good stuff.
- Take the money from selling things and that would have been used for a storage unit and put it in the bank. Or, take a wonderful trip with the money, even if it must be a short trip. Or, buy some new furniture especially for the new house or apartment.
Moving to the New Home
Celebrate moving to the new home as a new start for whatever stage of life you are in. Measure the new home and plan where to put everything before moving day to cut down on stress. Ask family and friends to help with the move. Write your wishes down so those helping you move have some guidance. Enjoy your new home and take steps to get to know your new neighbors and nearby amenities.
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