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Build-A-Bear For All Ages & Holidays
Most people see Build-A-Bear and think of a great place to bring their little kid for a fun afternoon of animal building. This is true but Build-A-Bear isn’t just a one day thing. Kids are making their very own stuffed animla that might be a friend and roommate for a lifetime. My kids have their bears from their very frist time going to Build-A-Bear about 8 years ago. Their bears have names will always have a special place in my kids’ hearts.
Well, years have passed. Their Build-A-Bears are a little worn and have had much love. I brought the kids back to Build-A-Bear for a whole new experience and I think we just created a new lifetime memory.
We went to the Build-A-Bear in the Northridge Mall and were greeted by friendly smiles by all employees. The children picked out an animal. Daeton picked a monkey and Kaela picked a panda bear.
Next we did the circuit. They first picked out personalities of their animals. Did they want them to be brave? Smart? Cute? Funny? All sorts of descriptive adjectives were available.
Next the kids got to stuff their bear. Choosing a soft, medium or firm bear and stepping on the foot pedal as the friendly employee helped us. This is my favorite part of the Build-A-Bear stores. The little ritual adding love to the bear.
The first time we went to Build-A-Bear the bath blew out air and the kids cleaned their bears. Now technology has added a touch-screen with soap and bubbles.
Kaela pickced out an adorable pink dress for her panda and found matching shoes and a matching headband.
Daeton migrated to the Star Wars outfits and found the perfect Yoda one, complete with Star Wars slippers.
Any Hello Kitty fans? I know a few. We didn’t pick any Hello Kitty outfits but they selection was certainly amazing. They have a large Star Wars selection and an adorable Super Hero area.
The kids then got to name their bears. A certificate is printed and the bears are also micro-chipped. If anyone loses their bear and someone turns it in to a Build-A-Bear, the store will notify the owner, letting them know their bear was found. I just love their store and the family-friendly ways they operate.
Build-A-Bear also has holiday outfits. This month Easter outfits were available. I love the outfits they have at Halloween and Christmas too.
Kaela found these Easter bunny ears to put on her Panda! Super cute fun!
Ta-Dah! Let’s not forget the adorable boxes the bears come home in. These are great to use to put extra bear-clothing and accessories in. The kids can color on the boxes and decorate them too.

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