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8 Incredible Activity Ideas You and Your Adventure-Loving Family Are Going to Love
Children are naturally curious beings, and it is our job as parents to guide that curiosity. We want to make memories that will last. There are so many things that take us away from spending time with our families in this modern world, that it is necessary to make it a priority to take some time out for a family adventure. And just in case you need some fresh ideas, here are 8 incredible ideas you and your adventure-loving family will love.
1. Go For a Hike
Hiking is a great physical activity that allows you and your family to explore the outdoors. Put on some good shoes, a backpack to carry your bug spray, a few snacks and water bottles and you’re ready to hit the trail. If biking is more your speed, take the bikes instead. Almost every state has federally funded trails and parks through the National Park Service. Some of the more notable national parks include the Grand Canyon, the Appalachian Trail, Yellowstone and Yosemite. Some lesser known parks that are just as entertaining include Dry Tortugas, Congaree, North Cascades and Isle Royale. There are hidden natural wonders all over the country waiting for you to see. Just do a quick online search and pick a trail or park that makes you excited. It will be big fun.
2. The Arcade
Arcades have a bit of a nostalgic feel, even if the game are modern and techy. The arcade hasn’t really changed that much since the dawn of arcades, but the little changes that have come with the passing of time have kind of revolutionized the way we play. All day passes! These are great because you can spend a fraction of what it would cost to insert tokens or quarters into every game. Another game changer is the elimination of tokens. Instead of tokens, many arcades use game cards that you either swipe or hold up to a sensor.
Going to the arcade allows everyone to kind of do their own thing. Try this shop for games that are totally retro. If your son wants to play racing games and your daughter wants to play game show games, you like Skee Ball and your husband wants to throw basketballs and footballs, an arcade has all of you covered. The sounds and the lights, the tickets and the toy counter, it’s all part of a gaming adventure that takes faces out of smartphones and tablets, and gets bodies moving.
3. Go Camping
Ah, the great outdoors. Whether you choose to go to an actual campground or just into the backyard, setting up a tent or renting an RV/camper is sure to be a lot of fun. Building a campfire, roasting marshmallows, s’mores, songs, setting up a tent and snuggling into a sleeping bag is sure to be an unforgettable experience. And if your family loves the outdoors, going to a campsite may give you a better view of the stars. You may even catch a shooting star or two.
4. Visit a Unique Animal Habitat
Now this suggestion is not for the faint of heart. You never know what little (or not so little) creatures are home, so be careful and respectful. Many states have nature centers or wildlife refuges that you can visit for a more controlled atmosphere if you have younger children. If you don’t know where to start or it’s too far from home, take a walk around your neighborhood and look for animal habitats. Bird nests, squirrel nests, beaver dams, spider webs, you name it. Perhaps there is a lake nearby to explore. There are lots of options. And if all else fails, ask the good old internet where you can find unique animal habitats in your neck of the woods.
5. Create an Obstacle Course
Do you remember American Gladiators from the 90s? Well, if you liked watching that show, then this is an incredible activity idea you’re going to love. Get your stopwatch ready, break out a few cones, balls, hula hoops and whatever else you can imagine for your obstacle course. Of course, building an obstacle course in your own yard means you may have a little more freedom, but you will lack some of the major playground equipment to supplement your own. If you opt to take your obstacle course to the playground or park, you may have to share or take extra care not to involve other park goers in your action. You can take turns and time each family member to see who is the strongest and fastest. Try raising the stakes by offering a prize or creating a championship belt or medal.
6. Take a Karate or Tai Chi Class
Trying something physical and new is always an adventure when the whole family is involved. Not only will a karate class increase body and spatial awareness, but it will also help boost confidence. Chances are your local recreation or community center offers classes that you can take as a family that won’t break the budget.
7. Play Laser Tag
Laser tag is fun and requires full body involvement. Play as a team against another family or split up, every man for himself. Laser tag takes a deeper level of thought, as it is a strategy game at its core. This game will help strengthen family bonds and leave you a great story to tell. Remember, these are the memories your children will share with their grandchildren and so on, even after you’re gone.
8. Go Fishing
Fishing is a relaxing sort of activity that comes with something different every time. Maybe you want to have a competition to see who can catch the most or the biggest fish. You might want to have a hook baiting contest or turn it into an identify the fish game. Fishing gives you the opportunity to observe nature, get a little dirty, hope for the catch of a lifetime, nurture patience and so much more. Whether you go out on a boat, sit at the dock or stand at the edge of a lake or river, the stories and memories you create will be awesome.
Family activities are full of fun and adventure when if you let them. There’s lots of things you can do that will captivate and enrich your family and yourself. It can be difficult to find activities that everyone will enjoy, but when we open our minds to experimentation we can find a whole world that is waiting to be discovered. Hopefully, this list will inspire you to get out and have a great time together.
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