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5 Tips For Single Moms To Survive the BTS Hustle
Its that time, the BTS hustle. Anyone else going crazy yet? Being a single parent isn’t always a walk in the park (unless its Jurassic Park) there are some things you can do to make the new school year easier. This applies to work-at-home moms and moms that work part-time or full-time outside of the home. Finding a way to get kids to and from school, their homework done, cooking, cleaning, etc is often a juggling act. Hope some of these ideas might help moms with their BTS hustle so that they can get through the school year.
Avoid Colds And The Flu!
Nothing like your kids bringing home new bugs every other week! No one has time to get sick, or the whole household sick, when you are busy. Practice frequent hand washing and teach this to your kids. Clean often, including cell phones, door knobs and light switches. Don’t forget vitamins for kids. I love Renzo’s Vitamins For Kids. They come in a few types. My favorite is Picky Eaters Multi-Vitamin. The vitamins are sugar-free, gluten-free, and vegan.
If you have young kids are are breastfeeding and going back to work make sure you still pump. Your baby getting your antibodies is important to fight sickness. I love the Smartpump by Lansinoh. It is a quick using pump that works on both sides at the same time. You can connect to a smart phone to keep track of pumping too.
Get Back Into Routines.
This includes the gym, library time, reading time every night, kids doing regular chores, etc. Create a family calendar. If kids have cell phones there are a few apps that can be used for the whole family. Make sure kids go to bed at a decent time every night. Make sure you are signed up for any email list or newsletter from your kid’s school. That way you know about things, like BTS night, ahead of time. Seriously- I’m counting the days until Thanksgiving break, Christmas Break, Spring break and love when it is summer.
Order Online!
I also hate shopping in stores and clothing is the worst. I’d rather buy something and have to return in than take the time in changing rooms. I found shopping for adorable outfits at Nadine West is a fantastic way to create whole wardrobes while staying home in pjs. Not only that but I they have outfits that can be picked by size, style and more. Take the quiz to find out your style. New outfits arrive in the mail each month. I got a pair of pants, shorts, a top and some jewelry.
If you are a recent back-to-work mom than you’ll have to take care of child care and balance everything at home. Take time to watch a movie, go to lunch or dinner with a friend, get your nails done, go for a walk, etc.
Connect With Other parents
Beat the BTS hustle by joining forces. Carsharing, have your kids do homework time together with other friends, etc. if you have kids that are in an after school or day care for a very short time (like you get off of work 30-60 minutes after they get out) see if you can trade daycare with another parent. Trade for babysitting, trade for other skilled jobs or something you specialize with.
Be Guilt-Free!
If you are trying than know moms often spread themselves in a million different directions. Try to take pride in your work instead of feeling guilty.
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