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Yes- You Should Buy Your Ex Gifts
Do you buy your ex gifts? Significant other, ex-spouse, etc. Some people might thing I’m entirely insane saying this. This is mine. Bare with me. I’m not giving gifts to my ex, from me. But, yes it is with my money. They kids don’t have jobs. I actually give them money to them for my sister to take them shopping for gifts for me too. I think it’s important for them to understand the gift of giving. I’ve been doing this for thirteen years- plus the years when we were married. The kids will always give gifts to their dad. Father’s Day. His birthday. Christmas.
Why I Do It
First of all, I want my kids to learn the gift of giving. That Christmas is about giving, not receiving. That their dad is important and should receive gifts (for said holidays). That this is something they should do, even with my money, because when they get old it’ll be a habit to do with their own money. The gifts aren’t about the money. I let the kids spend money on presents they think he’ll like. Since I’ve been blogging it might be stuff I got blogging instead of stuff in a store.
What The Kids Think About It
The kids see it as normal! This is a good thing. I want them growing up feeling like their dad should get presents for Father’s Day, Christmas and his birthday. They should grow up giving gifts to people they love.
What About His New Wife?
Normally I don’t. Maybe I should. It’s about giving, right? But I don’t really have much to do with her. However this year my daughter asked if she could give her a gift too, even if it was small. I let my daughter pick out gifts for his two younger kids that he has with his new wife too. They are her siblings and my daughter likes giving them gifts.
Does He Return The Favor?
Of course not. Sadly. He never has. Not once in 13 years. But that isn’t important. If it was I’d be doing all of this for the wrong reason. I’m not doing this for him. At all. It is all about my children, teaching them how to be better people. How to be happy adults. How to care for others. I love them with all my life and want them to grow up doing all this, and more, for others. Paying it forward. Giving to others. Gifting without expectations of something in return.
Do You Think I’m Crazy? I’d love your input on this!
Want to read more divorce topics? Check out 20 Things To Negotiate In A Divorce.
Before reading this in full, yes…I thought it was crazy. I’ve never bought gifts for my ex and never even thought about it. I have always resented his lack of parenting but now since seeing your view, I almost feel bad! Lol…next year may be different for my kids sake.
Yes, at first I did think you were crazy. Your explanation is completely logical. I want to share this with every person I know. Being a good person starts early. You can’t expect people to magically know things at the age of 18. Life lessons start as a small child. Memories are formed all through childhood and shape the way you see the world.
I commend you on your journey to raise well rounded humans! Keep up the good work