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How To Prepare Your Kids For Moving Day
Moving house is one of the most stressful events a family can go through. Whether you’re moving to another city or just a few miles away, it’s a tough time for all involved. Kids, in particular, have a tough time coming to terms with a house move. This huge change can be scary for them, and this can often lead to tears and tantrums. This is understandably the last thing you need on moving day. To make your move go as smoothly as possible, you need to get your kids prepared. So whether you have young children or teenagers, use the following suggestions to make your move less stressful.
Let them visit the new house
Taking your kids to visit their new home ahead of the move is an excellent way of getting them prepared in advance. This takes all of the mystery out of where they will be living which can help them feel more relaxed. You can also let them choose their rooms and visit nearby attractions they might enjoy. This will give you all the chance to discover more about the area you are moving to. Do some research together online beforehand to get further details on local attractions as well as directions. For instance, if you read this from Taylor Estate Agents you’ll see that Cardiff Bay has a bowling alley and cinema. This will show your kids some of the many benefits your family will gain by moving house.
Listen to their concerns
While you will understandably be very busy in the run up to your move, take the time to talk to your kids about it. This is the perfect opportunity for them to voice their concerns and for you to answer their questions. They may be confused as to why you are moving and need reassurance. Or they could be worried about starting at new school and making new friends. Talking about it before moving day will reduce their anxiety. It also gives you the chance to find ways of helping them. You could throw a moving house party or sign them up to a youth group that’s near to your new home. This will make it easier for them to adjust and come around to the idea.
Let them pack a moving bag
Letting your child pack a moving bag is another way of getting them prepared. They can include their favorite toys, snacks, a tablet, and clothes. This will be ideal for the car journey to the new house as well as providing entertainment during the unpacking stage. Having familiar things around them will also make their new rooms feel less bare and intimidating. Make them responsible for packing their bag and keeping it safe. This will help them to feel more involved and feel like they are helping you out.
Kids are more resilient and adaptable than they are often given credit for. Get them involved in any way you can to make moving house an exciting prospects instead of a scary one. That way you can all settle into your new home, and it’s surroundings far easier.
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